Friday, November 1, 2013

Testimony Meeting

Last week I was able to do something I've wanted to do for AGES - invite the children to share their testimonies!

I had heard of some music time leaders doing this as part of their singing time, but it never fit in for me.  Now that roles have switched and I was in charge of Sharing Time - especially on a week when the topic was Sharing the Gospel - I thought the timing was perfect.

In Jr. Primary, especially, we talked a little bit about what things are and are not appropriate to talk about in a testimony - what their purpose is, what topics they can be about, etc.  Then I turned the time over to the kids after setting up a few chairs in front for those waiting for a turn.

They did such a great job.  Since their testimonies were so short, I think just about everyone who wanted to got the chance to share in about 10 minutes.  But their sweet spirits shone through and they taught us all much better than I ever could.

If you get the chance to do the same, I highly recommend it!  These kids are amazing!

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