
Monday, September 2, 2013

Sharing Time: A Month of Service

The theme for September is service.  Our Primary President did a sharing time yesterday that did a great job of introducing the monthly theme of SERVICE.  With the help of some other moms in the ward, she got and printed pictures of the children in our neighborhood performing acts of service.  Some of them were big, like helping with an Eagle Scout project, while others were as simple as hugging a sibling.  I think including real-life examples with pictures of kids we all know really helps to get the kids' attention!

I have a short sharing time next week, and am thinking I would love to have the kids perform an act of service.  The theme for next week is about how the prophets and apostles perform service, so we will talk about how they work so hard for the church without getting paid.  Then, I would love to have the kids take a few minutes to draw a picture or write a letter to either the missionaries in the ward or one of the leaders of the church.  This is one of my favorite topics and I hope we can all find ways to encourage our primary children to serve one another!

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