
Saturday, November 9, 2013


November has come, which means GRATITUDE is the theme!

I have Sharing Time the last TWO weeks of November and have been struggling to come up with something fun.  Do any of you have any suggestions?

I liked this idea (from HERE) about spiritual blessings:

I love this object lesson on Gratitude (from Sugardoodle):
OBJECT LESSON: Tell the children, "Look around the room and find all the things you can that are purple." After they had a few minutes to do so, she had them close their eyes. Then she said, "Okay, now tell me all the things you saw that were yellow."And they couldn't do it. That's because they had focused so intently on the purple that they didn't even notice the yellow things."  You can see the application to contentment and gratitude. When we focus on what we don't have, pretty soon that's all we can see, so we become discontented, and whiny, and unsatisfied. But when we focus on our many amazing blessings, we become more and more aware of them, and thus more and more content and humble and grateful. And I might add, happier. And more peaceful."  (Mary Ellen Edmunds, You Can Never Get Enough of What You Don't Need, [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2005], p. 153.)
Fun game:
GAME: To show the children just how easy it is to be grateful, play alphabetical gratitude. Go around the room and have each person say something he is grateful for. The first person names something that starts with the letter a, and the next person names something beginning with the letter b. Continue around the room as many times as necessary until the entire alphabet is complete.
If you have a small group, you could make a 'web of gratitude':

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