
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Just Wing It" at Singing Magic

I'll let you in on a little secret that those who have been following this blog for a while already know - I plan like crazy because this calling is HARD for me!  I do not like being up in front of people.  I do not like singing in front of people - not even in my own house.  Every Sunday morning I am sick to my stomach and want to stay home, although the feeling usually fades a little by halfway during Jr. Primary.  But planning I can do.

I've got all but the last Sunday in June planned out.  But, while I like to plan, I was reminded last week that sometimes you do have to go with the flow.  Henckel House pointed me towards THIS post with ideas for last-minute adjustments/additions you can make to accommodate your Primary.  There are lots of great ideas - letting Jr. Primary help you make up actions, playing something she calls "helmet hero", etc.  She is looking for more suggestions so that she can make a list for all of us, so head on over and comment!

Thanks for all of you who help me do this calling.  All we can do is our best and hope and pray that somehow it is enough!!


  1. I feel the exact SAME way! This calling is sooo hard for me. I don't go home crying every Sunday like I used to, but it's still hard. I don't even know the first thing about music either! 90% of the time I can't even figure out when the song is supposed to start after the pianist has played the intro! It's so hard for me!!

    1. I'm sorry, Melissa!! I know what you mean. I just keep telling myself that there is NO doubt I am stretching and learning and growing, so maybe that is part of the purpose of it! I know He will help make up the difference for us!
